Monday, August 19, 2013

Research Shows That Owning a Dog Can Improve Your Health

If you’re a dog owner yourself, you’ve probably picked up on this once or twice over the years, but amazingly enough, there now seems to be some proof in the matter: owning a dog really can be beneficial to your health!

There is now scientific research that has proven that dogs do hold healing powers and can improve their owner’s physical and mental health. There are very practical ways in which dogs help us to be healthier; they are great and reliable companions, they need to be walked (which keeps us active) and they can give us a sense of peace and security in the home.

University of Florida researchers found that dogs can have the capability for detecting many diseases and illnesses before their owners notice any symptoms. Such illnesses as seizures and migraines have been detected by dogs just by noticing small details, like the quivering lips of their owners.

Not only can dogs sense the beginning of physical illness, but they can also detect mental conditions as well. Service dogs have been given to soldiers returning from war in the Middle East, and were able to provide emotional support to the soldiers during panic attacks. The Department of Defense has recently used this as a form of treatment for soldiers suffering from trauma.

Most certainly, owning a dog is a lot of fun, brings joy to the dogs and their companions, and creates a family atmosphere inside the home. For more interesting facts on the healing capabilities of your furry friend, check out the infographic below! Let us know which factors may have surprised you! 

Do dogs hold holistic powers?
by ZocDoc.
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